Give Fat Nowhere to Hide

Unless we want to go back to the hunter-gatherer days, or even the days of the plow, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is going to take a different approach, one backed by science and research; not by fads and opinions. Cue OHS to the sensible rescue! Eating...

The Blunt Truth About Why Meal Replacements are a BAD IDEA

You’re busy. We get it. Making time to cook a balanced meal isn’t always possible when life seamlessly segues from work to one personal life commitment to another. There aren’t always enough hours in a day to cook, or anywhere convenient to pop a prepared meal in a...

CLA: Your Answer to Winning the Battle of the Holiday Bulge

The cake is not a lie. Weight gain happens around the holidays, starting as soon as stores put Halloween candy on shelves. Chances are a bag or two disappears before trick-or-treaters knock on your door… Then add Thanksgiving and all those leftovers just a few weeks...

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Without Missing Out

(image from ruchikabehal.com) I get asked many times about holiday weight gain and whether it is real or a myth. New research proves it is real but our research also proves it can be avoided. Research, led by Cornell’s Food and Brand Lab as well as scientists in...