Unless we want to go back to the hunter-gatherer days, or even the days of the plow, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is going to take a different approach, one backed by science and research; not by fads and opinions. Cue OHS to the sensible rescue! Eating...
The internet has grown into a wealth of information, and it’s also a trap of misinformation, both intentional and unintentional. This extends into what people need to know about exercise. There’s no filter separating the misinformed or poorly taught from the gurus, no...
You’re busy. We get it. Making time to cook a balanced meal isn’t always possible when life seamlessly segues from work to one personal life commitment to another. There aren’t always enough hours in a day to cook, or anywhere convenient to pop a prepared meal in a...
The cake is not a lie. Weight gain happens around the holidays, starting as soon as stores put Halloween candy on shelves. Chances are a bag or two disappears before trick-or-treaters knock on your door… Then add Thanksgiving and all those leftovers just a few weeks...
(image from ruchikabehal.com) I get asked many times about holiday weight gain and whether it is real or a myth. New research proves it is real but our research also proves it can be avoided. Research, led by Cornell’s Food and Brand Lab as well as scientists in...