Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

Spirulina boosts immune function in study on elite athletes

Spirulina boosts immune function in study on elite athletes

A well-known paradox of exercise is that even though it improves the immune system, prolonged high-intensity exercise can actually lower the immune response---at least for a short period of time. Studies show that intense and long-duration workouts can reduce the...

Creatine supplementation improves memory in new meta-analysis

Creatine supplementation improves memory in new meta-analysis

Just about every athlete recognizes creatine as the world's most popular muscle-building nutrient. But the same energy-producing properties in creatine that benefit muscle growth also provide other potent health benefits. A study published in 2019 found creatine to be...

Vitamin K increases energy while reducing oxidative stress, study finds

Vitamin K increases energy while reducing oxidative stress, study finds

Vitamin K was able to offset oxidative stress in vascular muscles and ultimately increase energy, according to a new study from The Netherlands. The study was conducted at the Cardiovascular Research Institute at Maastricht University, and was presented at the second...