Optimal Health Insider
Research broken down for ease of use
Spirulina boosts immune function in study on elite athletes
A well-known paradox of exercise is that even though it improves the immune system, prolonged high-intensity exercise can actually lower the immune response---at least for a short period of time. Studies show that intense and long-duration workouts can reduce the...
Creatine supplementation improves memory in new meta-analysis
Just about every athlete recognizes creatine as the world's most popular muscle-building nutrient. But the same energy-producing properties in creatine that benefit muscle growth also provide other potent health benefits. A study published in 2019 found creatine to be...
New study builds on existing evidence linking Vitamin D to testosterone health
Scientists have known for a long time that Vitamin D is an important factor in maintaining testosterone at optimal levels. Research validating the connection includes a 2008 Australian study that correlated infertility and Vitamin D sufficiency in both the genders....
Clinical study supports antiviral effects of echinacea extract in relation to Covid-19
Echinacea is the name of a group of flowering plants that are native to North America. Consumers of echinacea believe that the supplement boosts the immune system and can reduce symptoms of infections and other illnesses, including the common cold. In previous in...
Do you underestimate poor sleep? It’s a risk factor similar to high blood pressure
In 2020 the Zurich-based insurance company Swiss Re---the largest insurer in the world based on policies issued---posited the question, "Is sleep the new blood pressure?" Insurance companies must know leading risk factors if they're going to make it in the insurance...
Vitamin K increases energy while reducing oxidative stress, study finds
Vitamin K was able to offset oxidative stress in vascular muscles and ultimately increase energy, according to a new study from The Netherlands. The study was conducted at the Cardiovascular Research Institute at Maastricht University, and was presented at the second...
Omega-3s can extend your life by supporting telomere length, researchers say
A review of dozens of studies shows that Omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on the length of telomeres, reported to be a marker of biological aging. Research on telomeres has exploded in recent years as scientists have demonstrated how telomere length can be...
Phytonutrients benefit all ages, say new studies: Fewer illnesses for women, less ADHD for kids
The health benefits of consuming regular amounts of phytonutrients are diverse and extensive. So diverse, in fact, that two new studies highlighted the benefits on opposite ends of the age spectrum---elderly women and young kids. A new study from the University of...
In a nation already plagued with sleep disorders, fluoride in drinking water shown to cause sleeping problems
Prior to the Covid pandemic the American Sleep Association estimated 50 million Americans---more than one in seven---suffered from a sleep disorder. During the pandemic this number skyrocketed to an estimated 60 to 70 million Americans. Now, as if the situation wasn't...
Saw palmetto effective for urinary tract symptoms according to international panel of urologists
An international panel of urologists published findings in June 2022 that won't come as a surprise to most herbal researchers: "Saw palmetto extract is a valid treatment option for men with mild-to-moderate lower urinary tract symptoms associated with an enlarged...
Folic acid supplements may lower cardiovascular risks in patients with type 2 diabetes
A new randomized controlled clinical trial from Egypt found that folic acid supplements lowered cardiovascular risks in patients with type 2 diabetes. The risk level reduction was determined by measuring how folic acid affects two different indicators---or...
Athletes perform better when they have a healthy gut microbiome, study finds
Almost every serious athlete follows a supplement regimen to support his or her particular endeavor---be it endurance, speed, muscle gain, flexibility or mental clarity. But one nutrient athletes often overlook is the one that likely provides improvement in all these...