Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

Can You Use Stress to Make You Healthier?

Can You Use Stress to Make You Healthier?

Exercise is a form of stress. However, studies show the benefits of a balanced diet and quality exercise far outweigh a cautious, low impact lifestyle.  If you exercise regularly, chances are you know the ins and outs of getting in the right balance of protein and...

Indigestion is the Problem With Health

Indigestion is the Problem With Health

Over 10 million Americans suffer one or more instances of indigestion and stomach discomfort per week. Gas, bloating, acid reflux, constipation and more is the normal state of things for many older adults. Just something you've been told you have to live with. But...

Cut a Few Calories if You Want to Increase Lifespan Says New Study

Cut a Few Calories if You Want to Increase Lifespan Says New Study

With all the diet plans out there playing off your vanity, you might ask if you should focus on your eating plan and reduce calories a bit for health purposes?  For the high majority of the population, the answer is yes. According to a study reported in the journal...

Get RAW with Your Mitochondria to Give Them a Boost

Get RAW with Your Mitochondria to Give Them a Boost

Optimal health occurs at the cellular level. This means taking care of yourself at the cellular level. The best course of action is to take care of your mitochondria and equip them with the tools necessary to fight free radical, thus keep cells alive, healthy, and...

Optimal Natural Z-Pak: A Massive Immune Boost

Optimal Natural Z-Pak: A Massive Immune Boost

• Between 90-98 percent of sinus infections are viral and won’t respond to antibiotics. • At least 200 viruses can cause the common cold. None will respond to antibiotics. • Only 5-10 percent of sore throat cases in adults are caused by strep throat. • Antibiotics are...

The Heart Disease Risk Greater than Cholesterol

The Heart Disease Risk Greater than Cholesterol

Blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids are a better predictor of death risk from any cause than cholesterol, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology. Results found that death from any cause was reduced by 33% when comparing people with the...

Only the Good Die Young if They Don’t Eat These Two Foods

Only the Good Die Young if They Don’t Eat These Two Foods

Invest in fruits and vegetables in your diet and increase your chances of living longer by at least 10%. They never told you the price that you pay for things you might not have done. Motivation to eat well is a tricky thing. It’s not just a physical process; there...

Melatonin is Not the Way to Go to Give You a Good Night’s Sleep

Melatonin is Not the Way to Go to Give You a Good Night’s Sleep

The most commonly reported side effect of melatonin supplements is drowsiness, followed by headache and dizziness. Drowsiness and impaired mental alertness and balance may occur for about six hours after taking melatonin (these effects may last longer or carry over...

Long-Term Risk of Allergy Medications

Long-Term Risk of Allergy Medications

Last week, we talked about how to break away from treating allergy symptoms and instead how to treat the cause with adequate nutrition. Allergy medications exist to suppress symptoms, not treat the cause. Now, these medications are able to curb your symptoms but...

Understanding Allergies and How to Truly Treat Them

Understanding Allergies and How to Truly Treat Them

We know allergens exist and we have reactions to them but we don’t really think about why our sinuses go haywire, or why exactly we break out in hives. What’s happening is a particle—usually a harmless substance—is triggering an overreaction. Instead of digesting the...

Health Professionals Unite at Brimhall Homecoming 2018

Health Professionals Unite at Brimhall Homecoming 2018

Wow, what a great weekend full of new research, friends, new products, comradery, new treatment techniques  and inspirational fun being with like-minded health professionals. I could never have anticipated such a wonderful reaction to all the knowledge and wisdom...

Why Methylation Matters When It Comes to Heart Health

Why Methylation Matters When It Comes to Heart Health

Your body needs B vitamins for various health reasons, including your heart. B vitamins are exactly what your body needs to reduce your risk of heart failure, stroke, heart disease. Research results are mixed on whether or not this is true but the explanation is...