A couple of months makes a lot of difference. Just 60 days ago if you suggested elderberry could help battle COVID you’d promptly be censored by Google for “spreading disinformation”—then you would have been kicked off of Facebook, Twitter and...
Nagalase is an enzyme with the technical chemical name alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase. It has an important role in the body and is essential for optimal health; however, elevated amounts can be an accurate indicator for serious health issues. Nagalase breaks down...
In 2013 a special feature in the Huffington Post asked, “What’s Behind the Secret Epidemic of Hypothyroidism?” It was termed “secret” since millions of people have it and don’t even know it. That was nine years ago, and since that...
A new review of current research has determined that Vitamin D supplementation is effective in “slowing the progress” of Parkinson’s disease. The review was conducted at University of Palermo in Palermo, Italy, and published in Nutrients in March...
Taking probiotics for teeth and gum health might sound like a somewhat novel idea; however, evidence that has emerged over the past decade appears to show that the numerous health benefits of probiotics also extends to helping maintain good oral health. In fact,...
Essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are fatty acids that humans and other animals must ingest because the body requires them for good health, but cannot synthesize them. Marine animals are high in EFAs, so many EFA supplements are sourced from them. This includes salmon...