A calorie is a calorie, right? Wrong! If all you do is count calories you’re still setting yourself up for a life of disease. For optimal health you must pay attention to the nutritional density of the foods you eat. In one extreme example a UK teenager went...
A large European study has added to the considerable evidence that regular soda pop consumption contributes to early death. The study demonstrated that even a single soda pop per day is detrimental; however, drinking two sodas daily increased the chancesof dying from...
If you’re suffering from chronic headaches, you may want to consider spending a little more time in the sun—or start taking a quality vitamin D supplement. According to a study from the University of Eastern Finland, vitamin D deficiencies are more common among people...
Unless we want to go back to the hunter-gatherer days, or even the days of the plow, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is going to take a different approach, one backed by science and research; not by fads and opinions. Cue OHS to the sensible rescue! Eating...
If you’re trying to incorporate healthier foods into your diet but find you’re still continually craving junk food, the challenge you’re facing is not really in training your brain—it’s overcoming the signals emanating from your gut! More precisely,...
An essential mineral Potassium is one of the seven essential macrominerals. The human body uses potassium constantly to support key processes. According to Medical News Today, high potassium intake reduces the risk of overall mortality by 20 percent. It also decreases...