Health Professionals Unite at Brimhall Homecoming 2018

Wow, what a great weekend full of new research, friends, new products, comradery, new treatment techniques  and inspirational fun being with like-minded health professionals. I could never have anticipated such a wonderful reaction to all the knowledge and wisdom...

The Blunt Truth About Why Meal Replacements are a BAD IDEA

You’re busy. We get it. Making time to cook a balanced meal isn’t always possible when life seamlessly segues from work to one personal life commitment to another. There aren’t always enough hours in a day to cook, or anywhere convenient to pop a prepared meal in a...

5 Ways to Get Excited About Weight Loss with LipoLean CLA

With a new year and an opportunity for a fresh start, it’s high time to tackle your health goals. If one of them is weight loss, be it so you can fit in clothes you miss wearing, want drop the extra pounds for the sake of your weight, or you miss hiking, shooting...

American Women are Dying Younger but We Can Fix It

A recent study in Newsmax said, “U.S. women’s life expectancy has dropped to the bottom of wealthy nations over the last 50 years, according to a report from the Center for Retirement Research. Overall, the center reported that U.S. lifespan has not...