image from Do you take Nexium, Prilosec, Tums, Prevaced or any other antacid? If you do, please understand that new research shows they can create liver disease. These antacid products are called protein pump inhibitors (PPIs) and are widely prescribed in...
Are humans supposed to be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores? This has been an area of passionate debate, often citing history and the same pieces of anatomy and physiology for polarized stances. It seems like it’s just a matter of opinion and personal taste (pun...
(original credit for image unknown) Cooked and processed foods are perhaps the single most detrimental deterrent to optimal health. That’s a pretty bold statement when you consider the many health hazards we deal with on a daily basis, but it’s not an exaggeration....
According to a consortium of scientists studying the human microbiome, people are more bacteria than human. The massive Human Microbiome Project, launched in 2007 by the National Institutes of Health, is an effort to sequence the genes of all the microbes living in...
Vitamin D has been linked to cancer prevention for at least a decade. This link was confirmed stronger than ever in a study published in PLOS One, April 2016. Researchers at UC San Diego conducted an analysis of all the data gathered over the years and concluded that...
The ancient war on natural medicine is in full flower today. Many of us understand that it is natural for Big Pharma and its allies in government to oppose natural healing methods that cut into massive profits and power over lives and health. But few realize this war...